Clean up Dear One. There is an abundance of “clutter” around you that quite frankly, you would feel so much better without. There is an excess of uncertainty, restraint, and frustration in your life.  There is too much self pity, self-doubt, fear and need for approval.  It will be much easier for you to create the life that you want for yourself when your space is not full of all of the things that you don’t want.

Are you ready to let go and be rid of these things?  It is easier to do then you might think.  Here is the trick:  Do nothing.  That’s it.   That’s all.  Do nothing and all of the excesses in your life will fade away, diminish, be gone.

Do nothing to acknowledge them.  Do nothing to feed them.  Do nothing to indulge them or justify them or explain them or rationalize them.  Do not apologize for them.  Do not track how long you have had them.  Do absolutely nothing to, or for them anymore……and they will go away.

As soon as you stop feeding, fueling and acknowledging that which you no longer want, that which no longer serves you, it will cease to be.  It is your attention to something that causes it to grow, that gives it energy, that attracts more of it to you.  So instead of giving even the smallest amount of your attention to that which is unwanted, try instead, to give it only to that which is wanted.  And then watch those things begin to take on a place of dominance in your life.

Clean up your thoughts Dear One and you will begin to clean up your life.