
On: Making the right choice

By |2023-06-06T22:04:06-04:00November 5th, 2017|English|

Do yourself a favor, and stop trying to make the right choice all the time Dear One.

Trust us.  The right choice is not the one you want to be making anyway.

Figuring out what is “right” requires you to be judgmental.  It requires you to look at a person, an event, a situation, and judge it as right or wrong, instead of just taking it for what it really is.

Judgment only serves to disconnect, to cut you off, to separate you from your greatest source of strength, inspiration, and joy — your connection to all that is.

So today, instead of trying to make the right choice Dear One, why not choose better than that for yourself, and make the loving choice, the compassionate choice, the honorable choice, the generous choice, the kind choice, or the joyful choice instead?

On: The key

By |2017-11-04T12:50:24-04:00November 4th, 2017|English|

We can feel your impatience Dear One, your restlessness, your desire to move on from where you are now, to someplace new, to where you want to be.

We can see you searching, looking, trying, struggling, experimenting, stumbling around looking for the key to the door that you think will get you there.

Well, we’ve got some bad news for you.  No matter where you look, no matter how hard you try, no matter much you visualize it, no matter how much you want it, you are never going to find that key Dear One.  Ever.


Because it doesn’t exist.

The door is already open.

All you need to do is walk through it.

On: Depersonalization

By |2017-11-03T03:12:35-04:00November 3rd, 2017|English|

Think about what motivates your own rude, rash, unkind, thoughtless, inconsiderate, impulsive, fearful, or aggressive behavior Dear One.

Is it an intentional desire to hurt, upset, inconvenience, distress, or disrespect those around you, or is it something else?

Just something to think about before you take their words, actions, attitudes, or behaviors to heart.

On: Re-connecting

By |2017-11-02T15:07:32-04:00November 2nd, 2017|English|

It is so very easy to get lost or disconnected from your source of well-being Dear One.  It is so very easy to get frustrated by this disconnection.

AND It is so very easy to reconnect again as well.

There is an equal amount of effort required to lose a connection as is required to gain a connection.

Don’t get caught up, lost, intimidated or discouraged by the effort that you think it will take to get back on track –  as little or no effort is required,  if  you choose to simply reconnect in the present moment.

The only effort that is required is the effort that it takes for you to change your mind.

On: Feeling good about your decisions

By |2017-11-01T03:36:35-04:00November 1st, 2017|English|

If you want to start feeling better about the decisions that you are making in your life Dear One, we have a suggestion for you:

Only make decisions that you feel good about and stop asking other people what they think about them.

On: Getting to know yourself better

By |2023-06-06T22:04:06-04:00October 31st, 2017|English|

Do you want to know one of the best ways for you to get to know yourself better Dear One?

Slow down, take your time, put in the effort, and get to know them better.

Find out who they really are. Find out what they really feel, think, and believe. Find out why they do what they do and why they say what they say.

Get personal.

By taking the time to get to know the real them, instead of spending your time interacting with some superficial version of who you think they are, you will  be tapping  into a wealth of information about yourself.

Your feelings about them, your reactions to them, your response to the real them, will reveal a lot to you about the real you.

They are worth the extra time and effort of getting to know better Dear One, if you believe that you are.

On: Embracing failure

By |2017-10-29T03:00:44-04:00October 29th, 2017|English|

  • You are never going to be able to please everyone Dear One.
  • You are never going to be able to get it all done.
  • You are never going to be able to live your life without making mistakes, experiencing heartbreak, or suffering from loss.

These things just can’t be done, not by you or by anyone else.

But why would you want it any other way?

You learn valuable lessons from your mistakes, you grow stronger from your heartbreaks, and you are able to know and understand love in a much deeper and more intimate way through loss.

All of these so called “failures” contribute to your evolution Dear One, contribute to your humanity, contribute to the experience and depth of your life.

Why would you ever want to wish them away?

On: Your power

By |2017-10-30T14:36:38-04:00October 28th, 2017|English|

Some days you will be confident, and some days you will be insecure. Some days you will feel pretty and some days you will feel plain.  Some days you will be adored, and some days you will be lonely.  Some days you will be creative, and some days you will be dull.  Some days you will be kind, and some days you will be cruel. Some days you will do no wrong, and some days you will do no right.

But know this Dear One, that in this life that is full of contradictions, full of realities that are true one minute and not true the next, one thing will never stop being true, and that is that you will never stop being powerful.

You can never stop being powerful.  It is who and what you are.

Now you can choose to use your power to create things that you want in this life, or you can choose to use your power to create things that you despise, or fear, or secretly think that you deserve.   But either way Dear One, no matter what, you can never stop being powerful, you can never give your power away, or run out of it, or lose it, or have it taken from you, ever.

You can be tricked into thinking it is gone, you can trick yourself into thinking it is gone too. But regardless of how you feel, what you have been told, or what you believe, you will still be powerful, you will still have the power that creates worlds running through you, at your fingertips, at all times, to do with as you please.  You will still be the one with the pen in your hand, writing your story, creating your world, with every thought that you think, word that you speak,  action that you take, and belief that you hold in your heart.

On: A simple realignment

By |2017-10-27T01:44:28-04:00October 27th, 2017|English|

When what you want is not what is showing up for you Dear One, a simple realignment may be all that you need.

How do you know if this is the case?

Ask yourself if your actions, thoughts and beliefs are aligned with your desires.

And remember:

  • You can’t reach abundance with actions motivated by despair, desperation or scarcity
  • You can’t reach joy with thoughts fueled by regret, hopelessness, or fear
  • You can’t reach love with a belief that you are not worthy of it
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