
On: I don’t understand

By |2017-10-26T01:56:49-04:00October 26th, 2017|English|

Sometimes Dear one, it is just not necessary for you to understand it.

Sometimes, all that is necessary is for you to acknowledge it, accept it, and decide to let it go and move on, redirecting your attention towards that which is wanted and away from that which is not.

Tema: No lo puedes escapar

By |2017-10-24T12:22:33-04:00October 24th, 2017|Español|

No hay comienzo, medio o fin a lo que tú eres.
• Tú eres, fuistes y serás eterno.
• Tú eres, fuistes y serás divino.
• Tú eres, fuistes y serás un creador poderoso.
• Tú eres, fuistes y serás parte de todo lo que es.
• Tú eres, fuistes y estarás conectado a nosotros y nosotros siempre estaremos conectados a tí.

 Tú eres, siempre fuistes y siempre serás todo esto constantemente Querido, a pesar de como te sientas, a pesar de tu aspecto, a pesar de lo que digas, pienses, hagas o creas.

No lo puedes esapar.

On: Your learning curve

By |2017-10-24T02:40:47-04:00October 24th, 2017|English|

You are meant to know more today than you did yesterday Dear One.   Don’t punish yourself for that which you did not know before – praise yourself for that which you do know now.

And remember that this holds true for those around you as well.  They too are in the process of learning.  They too will know more tomorrow than they do today.  While you are practicing acceptance and forgiveness of yourself as you learn Dear One, remember to practice it for those around you as well.

Don’t fault each other for that which you have not yet learned– Help each other to learn all that you can.

On: Spreading it around

By |2017-10-23T02:40:18-04:00October 23rd, 2017|English|

If you want to see more love in the world Dear One, start giving yours away more freely.

Don’t worry.  You won’t run out.

The more you open you heart, the more you’ll have to give.

Open your heart Dear One.

Start spreading it around.

On: Picking up the pace

By |2017-10-20T00:51:22-04:00October 20th, 2017|English|

Do you want to know the fastest way to get from where you are to where you want to be Dear One?

Slow down.

Practice patience.

The more focused and centered you are, the more clarity you have, the more intentional your actions, the better you feel, the more effective you will be.

It is hard to feel good, grounded, centered, focused, and move with intention when you are stressed, frustrated, hurried, and rushing.

Practice patience Dear One, move with joy, clarity, and intention rather than speed, and watch as the distance between where you are and where you want to be shrinks at the speed of thought.

On: A pleasant surprise

By |2017-10-19T02:35:52-04:00October 19th, 2017|English|

You never know when a pleasant surprise is going to show up Dear One.

The best thing that you can do to encourage one, to attract one to you, is to start right now anticipating its arrival!

Tema: Como comenzar tu día

By |2017-10-18T12:12:22-04:00October 18th, 2017|Español|

Sería absurdo comenzar tu día Querido, elijiendo algo que intencionalmente genera una experiencia negativa para tí.


Y aún eso es lo que haces cuando comienzas tu día con expectativas negativas.

On: A brilliant idea

By |2017-10-18T03:28:57-04:00October 18th, 2017|English|

What if today, instead of focusing your energy, your attention, your efforts on trying to avoid that which you do not want Dear One, you focused it on creating, seeking out, acknowledging, and celebrating that which you do want instead?

On: What is the matter with you?

By |2017-10-17T13:09:55-04:00October 17th, 2017|English|

What is the matter with you Dear One?

What is the matter with your ideals? What is the matter with your face?    What is the matter with your friends?  What is the matter with your relationship?  What is the matter with your wardrobe?  What is the matter with your career?

Absolutely nothing or absolutely everything?

The answer is totally and completely up to you Dear One.

Absolutely no one else.

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