Contrary to popular belief Dear One, managing your daily schedule is not just another task for you to contend with or another opportunity for you to exercise your highly superior or greatly lacking time management and organizational skills.  It is also not just the practice of finding ways to fit in or juggle every single opportunity, obligation, need, want, or desire that crosses your path.

What it is actually is an opportunity for you to engage in a very sacred and divine act.  One of the most sacred available to you actually – the act of managing your life, of choosing, of selecting, of deciding how you want to spend your time, who you want to spend it with, and what it is you want to do with this very precious gift that has been granted to you, to use as you wish, each and every day in this physical reality.

You can choose to see the management of your time as a daily task or obligation or you can choose to see it as a sacred act.

Your choice will tell you much about your view and approach to life Dear One, so pay close attention to your answer.
