Why do their feelings about you impact you so Dear One?  Why does their emotional state, what they feel and think about you have so much effect on you?

That’s easy.

The reason that their feelings towards you distress you, hurt you, worry you, upset you so much is because you believe that you are lacking in some way Dear One, that you are lacking something that you can only get from them.

But the truth of it is Dear One, that that there is nothing that you can get from anyone else that you can not get, attract, acquire, or create on your own.  The truth of it is that you are not beholden to anyone, for anything.

No one can give or take anything from you.  The idea that you have in your mind that they can is simply an illusion.  You and you alone are in control, are responsible for what you allow into your life, into your experience, and what you keep out of it.

They are nothing more than a mirror Dear One, reflecting back to you your belief of that which you believe you are worthy of receiving and that which you believe you are not.

Make sense?
