You want to know how to turn things around, Dear One?

Well the truth is that you don’t actually need to.  You can keep right on heading in the direction that you are heading and still end up exactly where you want to be.


While your experience of creation may feel like a linear one to you, we can assure you that it most certainly is not.

By changing your perspective, by changing what you give your attention to, you will change the road before you, you will change what lies ahead.

Focus on the darkness and the decay, and your path will grow darker.  Focus on the light, the beauty, the growth that you see, even if it is just the smallest little bud, and your path will begin to grow brighter and more full of life right before your eyes.

You don’t need to exert the (potentially considerable) effort that it would take to fight the momentum of what is and turn yourself around.  Instead save that energy use it to focus on the path ahead, and trust that when your stay on the lookout for that which is wanted, over that which is not, that it will always, always, always lead you in the direction of your gaze.




