While you are making progress along your path Dear One, making your way along your journey, which do you think is more important? The answers that you find or the questions that you ask along the way?

Have you ever noticed that your best, most impactful, most significant and meaningful moments, the ones that have influenced and taught you the most, were not had as a result of finding an answer?

All of those moments and experiences were actually found in your pursuit of an answer to a question.

Does that make sense?

Take a minute and ask yourself, what is the question that you have asked yourself that you are currently in pursuit of an answer to?

If you don’t know, take some time and think about it.  Figure it out.  Because once you do, it is going to greatly impact your perspective of the path that you are now currently on.

What we are trying to tell you Dear One, what we are trying to say is that you don’t need to put your time, energy, and attention into searching out better answers to help you make sense of your life.

What you want to do is to shift your focus and your attention away from a pursuit of answers, and begin to allow life, experience, the world and people around you to motivate you, to teach you, to inspire you to ask better questions.
