• You are not allowed to be shallow.
  • You are not allowed to be cruel.
  • You are not allowed to be offended.
  • You are not allowed to hate.
  • You are not allowed to run away.
  • You are not allowed to hold a grudge.
  • You are not allowed to tell a lie.

Who made up these rules anyway Dear One?

Was it you?  It was certainly not us.

Not one of these things is true you know.

You are allowed to indulge in each and every one them if you should choose to do so.

But recognize that is a choice Dear One.  And whenever you make a choice, we want you to do so consciously, intentionally, ready to take full responsibility for the impact of that choice on yourself, on others and on the world around you.

What you put out there is what comes back to you Dear One. That is a universal law.

Do, be, or say anything that you would like.  You have our permission.  You are allowed.  But do so with full awareness of the fact that with every choice that you make you are establishing a point of attraction for yourself, you are extending an invitation out to the universe to send you back an energetic match.

So, yes, you are allowed to do anything that you would like Dear One.  But now that you understand the rules, do you still want to?
