Don’t compartmentalize your life, Dear One. Don’t compartmentalize who you are, or where you think you belong, based on your strengths and weaknesses today.

ALL of you belongs everywhere.

There is no shame in slowing down to accommodate the parts of you that that need more help, that need more nurturing, that need more guidance, that need more attention.  That is where your attention belongs. That is where your attention should be.

You, Dear One, are a whole person.  There is absolutely no benefit to you to choose to sacrifice one part of yourself to support another, to sacrifice a weaker part of yourself to support a stronger part. To press on with your strengths and leave your weaknesses in the dust.

The truth is that it is the reverse of that that will ultimately be to your greatest benefit.
You want to allow the strongest parts of you to protect the weakest. Not the other way around.

Why?  Because those parts of you that are weak now, that are in most need of healing, hold for you the greatest potential for wisdom, for learning, for growth. Hold the greatest potential for adding value to the whole.

You don’t want to banish them in their infancy, Dear One.  You want to nurture them to their full capacity. And then watch, as the tables turn.

Those lessons, those values acquired through learning, through healing, once strengthened, will one day lead the charge by bring up the rear, by healing other parts of you that may fall behind.

In short, take the time to mend the weakest links, Dear One, don’t cut them loose, because in time, doing so, will serve to greatly strengthen and lengthen your chain.

