Attitudes, Dear One, are what put any event, situation, or circumstance into context.

It is not the event, the circumstance, or the situation itself so much that is the primary determiner of your reaction to it, as much as it is the attitude that you hold towards it, the disposition that you are wearing when the situation arises.

We are telling you this, Dear One, not so that you will blame yourself for bad feelings that may arise when “something” terrible, troubling, or undesirable happens.  But simply to make you aware, and not so quick to blame the “event” itself entirely for how you are feeling, or put a great deal of effort into trying to change the “event”, the or external circumstances that created it, in order to help yourself feel differently or better about it.

Examining the attitudes that you have about it, and the lens through which you are viewing it, is where the real power for change lays, and will have a much greater impact on helping you to navigate your way through your feelings about it, or the feelings that come up for you as a result of it.


