It is understandable that you would struggle with optimism, Dear One.  That you might more easily anticipate the worse possible outcome, rather than the best.

You have come by this belief rightly so.  You have experienced the worst.  The worst has already happened to you.  And so, you have every reason in the world to expect that it would, or could, happen again.

But here is the thing: Just because it has happened to you, doesn’t mean that it is going to happen to you again.
It could! But It is not a foregone conclusion.  And you, Dear One, are behaving as if it is.

You are fearing what may or may not come to pass.  And as a result, you are missing out on, spoiling even, your present, over something that will most likely never be.

So, how do you not do this?  How do you get past your aversion to optimism, and allow yourself to experience the great pleasure of being able to look forward to, and get excited about, all of the wonderful things that are possible for you in your life ahead, without dread?

  • Do you avoid the sun forever because you got a really bad sunburn? It could happen again.
  • Do you never eat in a restaurant again because you got really bad food poisoning? It could happen again.
  • Do you never get into a car again because you were in a really bad accident? It could happen again.

The truth is Dear One, that only you know.
It is a choice; a decision to be made.  And it is one that only you can make.
