
On: A lesson on choosing

By |2022-12-30T22:20:26-05:00December 30th, 2022|English|

Never save the best for last, always choose it first.    

Every decision that you make, every action that you take, every single activity, thought or behavior that you choose, Dear One, influences your experience of and has an impact on every other that follows it.

Would you rather have the best of what’s possible influencing what comes next for you, or the worst?


On: When to cancel your plans

By |2022-12-29T23:24:32-05:00December 29th, 2022|English|

You can’t do it all at once, Dear One. And you are not supposed to.
There is a reason that you experience your life one day, one hour, one moment at a time.

So, when inspiration strikes, we implore you to be ready to cut the strings on all of your plans; on all of the other thoughts, tasks, actions, and outcomes that you imagined, that you were committed to, that you saw laid out in front of you, behind you, all around you, and trust THIS moment be it, to be THE moment that matters more.

We are not suggesting that you don’t make plans and do your best to commit to them, that you don’t plant seeds for what you want your future to be.  What we are strongly wanting to remind you is not to plan for tomorrow at the expense of today.

When you feel compelled or inspired to do something in the moment, Dear One, to go somewhere, to say something, to create something; trust it, do it, give yourself permission to be flexible, to be spontaneous, to disregard your plans, and temporarily suspend your planting, and go for it.

Why?  Because there is a very good reason behind it.

The hunch, the sudden urge, the desire and motivation to go off script that appears to come out of thin air, is not random, haphazard, or coincidental.   It is coming up for you, in that moment, for a reason.

Even if, for the life of you, you can’t fathom what that reason could be, do it anyway.

Trust us when we will tell you, that you will.  In time, you most definitely will.



On: Not going with the flow

By |2022-12-29T01:02:51-05:00December 29th, 2022|English|

Remember, Dear One, you don’t have to choose to go with their flow, to get caught up in their energy, to move to their rhythm, to dance to their beat, to take part in their story.

You can if you want to.

You can choose to participate, to get swept up in, to interact with, and respond to their energy if you would like.

And, Dear One… and this is so very important that we want you to pay very close attention to what we are going to tell you next,

…you can also choose not to.


On: Expressing yourself

By |2022-12-27T23:13:00-05:00December 27th, 2022|English|

You know, Dear One, it isn’t absolutely necessary for you to express your opinion about EVERYTHING that you see.

It’s OK for you to reserve doing so for only those things that you like, that lift your spirits, that you agree with, that make you feel hopeful, that hold promise for you, that you find beauty in, that make you feel good, regardless of how much others may try to convince you otherwise.

That does not mean that we are encouraging you to turn a blind eye on all that you find unjust, disagreeable, heartbreaking, distressing, or troublesome in the world.

It simply means that throughout the history of time, talking negatively about something, pouring negatively charged words, actions or feeling into a situation/problem that is distressing, unjust, troublesome, harmful, or toxic has never, not ever, not even once, solved it.


On: No more waiting

By |2022-12-26T22:53:29-05:00December 26th, 2022|English|

We can see that you are patiently waiting, Dear One; for someone to tell you what to do, or not to do, for lightning to strike, for the dam to break, for an answer to appear, for a hand to reach out and grab yours, for inspiration, for a brilliant idea, for something, anything to give you a clue, show you a sign, motivate you to action, push you in the right direction.

And the more that you do that, the longer that you wait, the more reasons, opportunities, and circumstances you are going to attract into your life that will allow you to continue to wait.

So unless what you are looking for is more of the same, more of what you’ve already got, waiting is most definitely not the answer for you.

You should know that waiting will never get you what you want, who you want, or where you want to go.

If you really want these things, Dear One, the waiting needs to end, right now.

Now is not the time for you to be waiting, for anything, or anyone anyway.

Now is the time for you to be creating.

Create, Dear One, don’t wait, and you will begin to attract more creative energy into your life, more creative answers and solutions.

Create, Dear One, and the wait will at long last, finally be over.


On: What are your intentions

By |2022-12-26T00:06:44-05:00December 26th, 2022|English|

What are your intentions for the day, Dear One?

What is it that you want to create, to experience, to put out into the world today, and what is it that you are hoping to get back in return?

It’s an important question for you to answer, consciously, intentionally and from the heart.  Because if you don’t, your ego, your habits, your patterns, your emotions, that unrelenting voice in your head that thinks it knows it all is going to answer for you.

And if that happens, do you think you’ll be happy with the response?


On: The story of your life

By |2022-12-24T22:58:57-05:00December 24th, 2022|English|

They provide the details, Dear One, with their words, actions, choices, behaviors, and beliefs, but you are the author, you are the one writing the story.

It is up to you to decide what kind of story it will be.

  • Will it be a comedy or a tragedy?
  • Will you cast yourself as a victim or a victor?
  • Will it take place in an abundant universe or one filled with lack?
  • Will your opinions, feeling and beliefs matter more then theirs, or less?
  • Will they hold the key to your happiness, or will you hold on to that yourself?

Their words, actions,  choices, behaviors, and beliefs won’t tell you what you need to know, Dear One.  So don’t look to them for the answers

You are going to have to decide for yourself.

This is the story of your life.

No one can write it but you.



On: Feeling secure

By |2022-12-23T23:37:31-05:00December 23rd, 2022|English|

Feeling secure, emotional security, is a state of mind, Dear One.

One that you can choose to experience anytime that you would like.

You can choose to allow yourself to experience it when you have the relationship that you want, or the job that you want, or the salary that you want, or the house that you want, or the family that you want, or the body that you want.


You can choose to allow yourself to experience it right now, just as you are.

It’s totally and completely up to you.


On: Fighting back

By |2022-12-22T23:46:40-05:00December 22nd, 2022|English|

You don’t have to fight the brewing storm, Dear One, or fear it, run from it, hide from it or prepare to brace yourself against it.

You’ve got another choice you know.

You can simply allow it to come, and trust yourself enough to know that you are strong enough, wise enough, and resilient enough to handle it, and whatever it may bring your way.

Because you are.


On: The wise choice

By |2022-12-21T23:31:53-05:00December 21st, 2022|English|

Do you want to know how you can be sure that you are always making the wise choice, Dear One?

We’ll tell you.

  • The wise choice is never going to be the angry choice.
  • The wise choice is never going to be the desperate choice.
  • The wise is never going to be the fearful, insecure, jealous, vengeful, or spiteful choice.
  • And it is most definitely not ever going to be the malicious, resigned, manipulative, or controlling choice either.

So, if you are trying to figure out what the wise choice is Dear One, and the choice you are about to make comes close to resembling any of the above, know that you have not found it yet.

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