We can see that you are patiently waiting, Dear One; for someone to tell you what to do, or not to do, for lightning to strike, for the dam to break, for an answer to appear, for a hand to reach out and grab yours, for inspiration, for a brilliant idea, for something, anything to give you a clue, show you a sign, motivate you to action, push you in the right direction.

And the more that you do that, the longer that you wait, the more reasons, opportunities, and circumstances you are going to attract into your life that will allow you to continue to wait.

So unless what you are looking for is more of the same, more of what you’ve already got, waiting is most definitely not the answer for you.

You should know that waiting will never get you what you want, who you want, or where you want to go.

If you really want these things, Dear One, the waiting needs to end, right now.

Now is not the time for you to be waiting, for anything, or anyone anyway.

Now is the time for you to be creating.

Create, Dear One, don’t wait, and you will begin to attract more creative energy into your life, more creative answers and solutions.

Create, Dear One, and the wait will at long last, finally be over.
