
On: Some things never change

By |2022-02-16T23:50:39-05:00February 16th, 2022|English|

Regardless of the way that you feel about yourself today, Dear One, you should know that who you are is never going to change.

You will always be divine.

You will always be powerful

You will always be an essential part of all that is

You will always have the power to creates worlds flowing through you

You will always be worthy of abundance, joy, respect, healing, compassion, forgiveness, and love.

And you will never be more than one choice away from any of them.


On: A change of heart

By |2022-02-15T00:48:25-05:00February 15th, 2022|English|

Don’t spend your time waiting, pleading, bargaining, trying to convince them to have a change of heart, Dear One.

The only heart that you have the power to change is your own.


On: Opening your present

By |2022-02-14T14:04:05-05:00February 14th, 2022|English|

It would serve you well to remember, Dear One that each day is a gift.

  •  A gift that can mend your heart, if you are willing to let go of hurt
  •  A gift that can heal your body, if you willing to let go of resistance
  •  A gift that can soothe your soul, if you are willing to let go of hatred and anger

All you need to do to receive your gift, is to trust and open up to your present.


On: A sacred union

By |2022-02-13T01:26:29-05:00February 13th, 2022|English|

Love is a choice, Dear One.

The experience of it, the giving and receiving of it, does not just happen. You have to choose it, you have to choose to open yourself up to it, to allow it.

When two people make the decision to choose to experience it together, to give and receive it openly, freely, and confidently, to open themselves up to an experience of the divine and let love flow to them and through them, that is a sacred act, that is an example of a sacred union; a merging of you, them and the energy of all that is.

A holy man, a place of worship, a ritual, a doctrine, a document or a vow is not the force that makes the union sacred, Dear One; you are.


On: Being patient vs. waiting

By |2023-06-06T22:03:56-04:00February 12th, 2022|English|

[NOTE: Yes, this one is a recent repeat, but that’s because I was greatly in need of the reminder.  Anyone else? ]

Being patient and waiting are two VERY different things, Dear One.

Patience is an act of allowing, of knowing, of creating, of quiet anticipation.  It is fluid, changing, and constantly in motion.  It is a powerful, empowering, and confident choice that requires your active, conscious participation throughout.

Waiting is a passive act.  It is stagnant.  It lacks action, energy, movement, and active participation.   It can be frustrating, stressful, and emotionally unpredictable.  It is an inert, submissive, and unempowered choice that does not require much of you once the decision to wait has been made.

So when you are in a spot, Dear One, where you think that what happens next is totally and completely out of your hands, think again.

You’ve still got one more choice to make.

And a pretty important one at that.


On: Being punished

By |2022-02-11T00:42:32-05:00February 11th, 2022|English|

You should know, Dear One, that there is no such thing as divine punishment.

God, spirit, light, chi, prana, life force, source, whatever you choose to call it, does not punish. It does not judge, accuse, blame, denounce, criticize, evaluate, or keep score either.

It only creates.

And you (consciousness) are the author, the artist, the architect of all that is created.

Life is the canvas, and your choices are the pen, the paintbrush, the chisel through which creation flows.


On: Taking care of yourself

By |2022-02-10T11:37:39-05:00February 10th, 2022|English|

Taking care of yourself does not mean pushing yourself to extremes, Dear One, to get the job done no matter what.  And it does not mean giving up, quitting, or walking away when things get tough either.

It means remembering to love yourself enough to choose balance in the moment, to choose the kinder,  gentler, sounder option that is always available to you.


On: Being spiritual

By |2023-06-06T22:03:56-04:00February 9th, 2022|English|

Are you any less spiritual, Dear One, when you skip yoga, don’t meditate, pass on the weekly service, don’t make the donation, cut in line, think bad thoughts, do not want to help, or forget to give up your seat on the subway, bus, ferry, or train to the passenger that is older, weaker, needier, or more pregnant than you?

Absolutely, not.

You are a spiritual being no matter what you do.

But it is your belief, your consciousness, your level of acceptance of the fact that you are a part of something larger than yourself, that you are one part of a whole, that you are divine, and are at once a reflection of the world around you as well as the creator of it, that determines your level of awareness of this fact.

You can choose to be a spiritually aware person, Dear One, or you can choose to be a spiritually unaware person. And that choice can change from day to day. But you cannot, not matter what, regardless of what you do, think, say, or believe, choose to be anything other than divine at all times.


On: How we guide

By |2023-06-06T22:03:56-04:00February 8th, 2022|English|

Every minute of every day we are speaking to you, encouraging you, guiding you towards that which you are wanting for yourself, Dear One.   To tap in to, receive, understand this guidance it might be helpful for you to understand why we do this.  It is not to tell you what to do, dictate your choices or create your future.  That is something only you can do, and we would never take away the gift of choice and discovery from you.

  • We are not concerned with the color of your shirt but want you to feel empowered by the clothing that you wear.
  • We will not encourage you to love one person above another, but will encourage that which will help you to know and experience true love in your heart with another soul that is as open to it as much as or even more so than you are.
  • We are not so concerned about what career/work you choose to do, but want you to know that how you spend your time and energy and how you choose to be of service to those around you does matter. We will guide you towards finding fulfillment in your work and encourage you/lead you towards that which will bring you greater enjoyment, meaning and authentic connection to others using the gifts/talents that you have.

We will encourage that which will expand your boundaries and your experience of the world – that which you will bring you the greatest joy while you are doing it.  Whether you are painting pictures, changing light bulbs or teaching children how to read – what you do is of less importance to us than how you feel while you are doing it.

You are contributing to the creation of your world all of the time – with every choice, thought and action that you take.   We want you to remember to enjoy yourself while you are doing it – to help you create from a place of joy, contentment and optimism.  Doing so is not only beneficial to you, Dear One, but to all of those that share this world with you.

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