
On: Picking up the pace

By |2022-04-20T00:14:15-04:00April 20th, 2022|English|

Do you want to know the fastest way to get from where you are to where you want to be, Dear One?

Slow down.

Practice patience.

The more focused and centered you are, the more clarity you have, the more intentional your actions, the better you feel, the more effective you will be.

It is hard to feel good, grounded, centered, focused, and move with intention when you are stressed, frustrated, hurried, and rushing.

Practice patience Dear One, move with joy, clarity, and intention rather than speed, and watch as the distance between where you are and where you want to be shrinks at the speed of thought.


On: It’s not them, it’s you

By |2022-04-18T22:57:41-04:00April 18th, 2022|English|

  • You are the only one choosing the thoughts that you think.
  •  You are the only one choosing the actions that you take.
  • You are the only one choosing the beliefs that you hold, the words that you speak, and the attitude with which you approach your life and all of the people in it.

It’s all you, Dear One, not them.

So why not decide that starting today that you are only going to choose the supportive ones, the positive ones, the loving ones, the confident ones, the compassionate, forgiving, and inspired ones that make you feel good instead?


On: Stepping into the unknown

By |2022-04-18T00:48:31-04:00April 18th, 2022|English|

It is understandable, Dear One, for you to fear change, for you to be frightened, nervous, or hesitant about the idea of moving from what is known to what is unknown.

But what if we told you that by moving forward, and embracing change, you would actually be doing the exact opposite.

What if we told you that by pursuing your passions, trusting your instincts, taking the leap, and letting change in, you would be stepping back into a very familiar place, a place that is more you than any other place could be, a place that is made up of the energy that created you, that you were born into, and have spent all of eternity in.

The truth is Dear One, that more you trust yourself, the more you let go, the more you allow yourself to follow your heart and to change, to move from what is known to what is unknown, the more at home you will feel, the more at home you will be.


On: Letting it be

By |2022-04-16T23:46:43-04:00April 16th, 2022|English|

Life can be a harrowing experience if you let it be, Dear One.

And it can also be filled with  joy, love, freedom, relief and bliss if you let…it…be.

As always, the choice is there for you to make.


On: Creating a smoother ride

By |2022-04-16T00:52:29-04:00April 16th, 2022|English|

If you relax, Dear One, let go, allow, breathe, trust, smile, and lighten up a little, things in your life will begin to flow a whole lot more smoothly than they are right now.

We know that you know this already, but from where we are standing, it looked as though you could use the reminder.


On: Choosing your adjective

By |2022-04-15T00:01:06-04:00April 14th, 2022|English|

There are two ways that you can choose to respond to any situation, Dear One:

  • Like the victim of your circumstance
  • Like the creator of your circumstance

One defines you as powerless, and the other as powerful.

Which are you going to choose to be today?


On: How they see you

By |2022-04-14T00:30:21-04:00April 14th, 2022|English|

What you think of you is so much more important than what they think of you, Dear One.

  • What you think of you impacts the choices that you make
  • What you think of you influences the company that you keep
  • What you think of you determines the kind of friend that you are
  • What you think of you inspires that work that you do
  • What you think of you governs the chances that you take
  • What you think of you shapes who you are and the direction of your life

What they think of you reflects what they think of you.


On: Setting the tone

By |2022-04-12T00:34:47-04:00April 12th, 2022|English|

Your thoughts set the tone for your day, Dear One.

  • Scary thoughts can cause almost any experience to seem frightening.
  • Happy, silly thoughts cause you to see humor in almost any situation.
  • Thoughts of scarcity can cause you to see lack under any circumstance.

You get the gist.

Your thoughts (fueled by your beliefs), not only determine the tone of your day, Dear One, they determine your reaction to, experience with, and interpretation of, every, single, thing that happens to you over the course of your entire life.

THAT is why we keep saying to you, change your thoughts and you can change your experience of every, single, thing that follows.

Life is not setting the tone, Dear One.  You are.




On: Proving it

By |2022-04-11T00:46:15-04:00April 11th, 2022|English|

You are stronger, more powerful, creative, and resilient than you think you are, Dear One.

Why not make today the day that you finally prove it to yourself?

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