There is no race that you must win to achieve success Dear One
So you don’t need to push yourself to work harder or faster than you already are

There is no line that you must cross either
So you don’t need to travel farther than you or anyone else has ever traveled before

There is no amount that you must accumulate
So you don’t need figure out how to earn more, sell more, make more, or get more

There is no title that you must earn
So don’t need to continually climb the ladder to get to the next highest rung

There is no level of notoriety that you must achieve
So you don’t need to figure out how earn more likes, more views, more friends, more recognition, more, more more

There is only a life for you to live
And if you want to be a successful at it, all you need to do is absolutely everything that you possibly can to make sure that you are enjoying the experience of living it
