Matters of the heart, Dear One, always seem to be much more complicated then they actually are.

But you see, love is love.  It is what it is.  Wonderful, powerful, intoxicating, healing, transformative, transcendent, inspiring, fun.  No matter how you slice it, dice it or serve it up  – love is just that, love.   And there is nothing complicated about it.

Love only appears complicated when you begin to put dependencies on it and assign requirements to it – when you decide that it exists only in conjunction with a specific set of circumstances, behaviors, actions, words, or deeds.   THAT is where the complication rests, Dear One –  not with love.

The truth is that love has no dependencies and it is everywhere.  You are swimming in it in fact.   And all you need to do to experience it, is allow yourself to open up to it –  allow it to flow to you, through you and from you.   And the way many of you learn how to do that, to open up to the experience of love, is through relationships with people that inspire you to fall, and through that inspiration you learn to let go, open up,  and let it flow.

But remember, Dear One, that love is not sex.  Love is not marriage.  Love is not a family.  Love is not a promise, a commitment, a duty, an obligation or a responsibility.

We want to help you see that any complications that you think you are experiencing as a result of love – are actually a part of your perceived personal reality only,  and are not in fact a reality of love.

Grant yourself a great gift today and let go of all of the things, rules, dependencies that you have put in place as a condition of love and give yourself permission to simply allow it, experience it, enjoy it, be inspired by it, transformed by it, healed by it.  Swim in it, unfettered, undefined, uncomplicated, love.

Life, can be complicated, Dear One, but love never is.

Enjoy it.