
On: How to get more of what you want

By |2014-12-10T23:12:42-05:00December 10th, 2014|English|

Do you want to know exactly what it is that you need to do to get more of what you do want Dear One, and less of what you don’t?

  • Choose things that you want over the things that you don’t want.
  • Choose things that you like over the things that you don’t like.
  • Choose things that make you smile over the things that don’t.
  • Choose things that make you feel good over the things that make you feel badly.
  • Choose things that make you happy over the things that don’t.

In every moment Dear One there is a choice to be made, there is a choice available to you.

Make it — thoughtfully, consciously, intentionally.

That’s how its done.


On: How to reclaim your life

By |2014-12-10T00:02:36-05:00December 10th, 2014|English|

Are you ready to reclaim your life Dear One?

Do you want to know how to do it?

You do it one conscious decision at a time.

  • Simple?          Yes.
  • Easy?              That is for you to decide.

On: Don’t wait

By |2014-12-08T23:23:10-05:00December 8th, 2014|English|

  • Don’t wait until you are sick Dear One to give yourself permission to take time to heal.
  • Don’t wait until you are in trouble to reach out and ask someone for help.
  • Don’t wait until you are lonely to open your heart and invite someone in.
  • Don’t wait until you are perfect to act with confidence, and believe that you are worthy of love.
  • Don’t wait until you reach the end Dear One, before you decide that you are ready to begin again.


Tema: Tus creencias

By |2014-12-08T06:15:26-05:00December 8th, 2014|Español|

Tu puedes elejír creer en lo que quieras, Querido.
Tus creencias no son como el color de tus ojos o el largo de tu dedo del pie.
No te son asignadas o elejidas por factores geneticos o alguna otra fuerza externa del universo, como un padre, un maestro o un libro
(aunque sabemos que a veces parece así).
Tus creencias son algo que tú escojes cada día.
Y si las tuyas no te hacen sentir fuerte y bien de ti mismo, por favor acuérdate que tienes el poder de cambiarlas cuando quieras.

On: Being wise

By |2014-12-08T00:07:07-05:00December 8th, 2014|English|

Do you want to know which choice is the wise choice Dear One?

We’ll tell you how to figure it out.

The wise choice is not the one that will result in the least amount of pain, discomfort, or disruption to yours or someone else’s life, but the one that will result in the greatest amount of growth for all those involved.

If you think about it before you choose, we think you’ll be able to recognize the difference.

On: No regrets

By |2014-12-07T00:04:59-05:00December 7th, 2014|English|

Only the truly brave are able to recognize their mistakes, misjudgments, and misconceptions, learn from them, forgive them, let them go, and continue on with their journey – whole – without leaving a piece of themselves behind – without paying the price of regret.

Please remember Dear One that regret is a choice, not a necessity.

Everyone makes mistakes.

But not everyone is brave enough to learn from them and let them go.

Are you?

(We believe that you are.  But all that really matters is what you believe.)

On: Approaching a bad day

By |2014-12-05T23:57:02-05:00December 5th, 2014|English|

Having a bad day  Dear One?

Trust us, it won’t last.  Experience has already taught you that it won’t, it never does.

The quicker that you can remember that, that quicker that you can get back to focusing your attention on that which is working, on those things that you love, that bring you joy, that make you laugh, that inspire you, that trigger in you feelings of gratitude, hope, excitement, love, and anticipation, the quicker it will pass.

How long will that take?

Well, that is entirely up to you.

On: Feeling it

By |2014-12-04T23:22:36-05:00December 4th, 2014|English|

We are all connected Dear One; you, we, us, them, source, air, light, water, earth, everything, all of it, all the time.

We are all a part of the same magnificent whole.

You can choose to tell yourself a story of isolation, separation and disconnection if you would like.

Or, you can choose to tell yourself a different story and feel the connection, with anyone, anything, everything, anywhere, anyplace, anytime you would like.

It is entirely up to you.

So, are you feeling it?



On: What love is and is not

By |2014-12-03T23:21:52-05:00December 3rd, 2014|English|

Love is not a word Dear One.

  • It is an action.
  • It is a feeling, a rhythm, a way to be.
  • It is an energy, an attitude, an answer, a solution.

Love is a lot of things Dear One.

But a word is definitely not one of them.

Remember that the next time that you hear it, or say it.


On: Your beliefs about happiness

By |2023-06-06T22:04:11-04:00December 2nd, 2014|English|

Which statement do you think best reflects your beliefs about happiness Dear One?

  • My happiness is dependent on a certain person or people doing certain things, at certain times, in certain ways, with a certain attitude.
  • My happiness is dependent on certain events, circumstances, objects or opportunities being available to me when I want or need them to be.
  • My happiness is totally, completely, and most certainly dependent on me, and nothing else.

We just thought this was something that you might want to know about yourself.


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