
On: Your beliefs

By |2023-06-06T22:04:12-04:00March 13th, 2014|English|

You can choose to believe anything that you want Dear One.

Your beliefs are not like the color of your eyes or the length of your pinky toe.

They are not assigned to you, or determined for you, by genetics or some other external force in the universe, like a parent, a teacher, or a book.

(Although we know that sometimes it can feel that way)

They are a very personal choice that you make every single day.

And if yours are causing you to feel anything other than strong, empowered, and  good about yourself, please remember that it is well within your power to change them anytime you would like.

On: Now — A Soul’s Agenda Video

By |2023-06-06T22:04:12-04:00March 12th, 2014|English, Uncategorized|

The Balance Channel, a unique online Integrative Medicine, Natural Health & Lifestyle Magazine Channel, has created a video series of The Soul’s Agenda.

They will be releasing a new video every week based on one of our daily postings.  We are so honored and humbled by the work that they have done with our words and so pleased to be able to share their efforts with all of you.


If you are having trouble viewing the video, click here. 


On: Another reason to smile

By |2014-03-12T00:02:42-04:00March 12th, 2014|English|

If you are not already doing so Dear One, smile, right now.

If you can’t come up with a reason why you should, smile anyway.


Because it’s the best and quickest way for you to attract a reason to you.

Tema: Ayer, Hoy y Mañana

By |2014-03-11T01:11:50-04:00March 11th, 2014|Español|

Estas aquí para saber más hoy de lo que sabías ayer. No te castigues por lo que no supistes antes – alábate por lo que sabes ahora. Y no te olvides que los que te rodean también están aprendiendo. Ellos también sabrán mas mañana que hoy. Asi como tú te aceptas y te perdonas a ti mismo, acuérdate de hacer lo mismo hacia los que te rodean. No se culpen unos a los otros por lo que aún no has aprendido. Ayudensen juntos a aprender todo lo que puedan.

On: Who’s controlling the flow?

By |2014-03-11T00:40:37-04:00March 11th, 2014|English|

You are the one in control of the flow Dear One, you are the one deciding the direction that things move in your life, you are the one determining what is moving towards you and what is moving away from you, in any given moment.

Do you want to know how you are doing it?

We’ll give you a hint.

    • Joy attracts, anger repels
    • Love attracts, hate repels
    • Confidence attracts, ego repels
    • Compassion attracts, judgment repels
    • Faith attracts, fear repels

Get the idea?

It’s all you Dear One.

On: Sustainability

By |2014-03-08T00:39:56-05:00March 8th, 2014|English|

Do you want to know which of your relationships are sustainable Dear One, and which are not?

If so, ask yourself this question:

– At its heart, is the connection based on a foundation of growth, or attachment?

One is sustainable, the other is not.

Plain and simple.

Do you have your answer now?



Remember that letting go of the attachment does not necessarily mean the end of the relationship.  It could.  But it could also be the start of something really great.


On: A relationship to-do list

By |2014-03-07T00:43:22-05:00March 7th, 2014|English|

  • Be kind
  • Be caring
  • Be complementary
  • Be truthful
  • Be sincere
  • Be thoughtful in all you say and do
  • Be compassionate and forgiving
  • Be honest
  • Be respectful
  • Be open minded
  • Release expectations
  • Encourage passions
  • Acknowledge feelings
  • Have lots of fun

These are just some of the things that you do for someone that you love Dear One.

And we would like to encourage you to start doing them all, for yourself.

On: Choosing differently

By |2014-03-06T00:10:48-05:00March 6th, 2014|English|

If what you want is more of the same Dear One, keep right on doing, saying, thinking, behaving, and believing exactly what you have been.

But if what you want is something different, you’re going to have to trust yourself enough to make the other choice this time.

We know that you know exactly what that is.

What we don’t know yet, is if today is going to be the day that you allow yourself to choose it.

But we can’t wait to find out.





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